Learnıng Outcomes Of The Students In The Fıeld Of Fıne Arts After The Natıonal-Internatıonal Events “The Sample Of The Ceramıc Department At Faculty Of Fıne Arts At Akdenız Unıversıty”

Learning outcomes are statements that specify what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity. Outcomes are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes and it has a great importance in all fields of education as well as the education of the fine arts. Learning outcomes should flow from a needs assessment. The needs assessment should determine the gap between an existing condition and a desired condition. Learning outcomes represent the solution to the identified need or issue. They provide direction in the planning of a learning activity. In this activity there are some components that play a role in achieving the goals. One of the mentioned components is the lectures of the field and the other is the activities that support the incomes. However, there is a distinction that should be considered. This distinction is about relationship between lecturers and learning outcomes and learners and learning outcomes. Because, learning outcomes are focused on what the learner will know or be able to do by the end of a defined period of time and indicate how that knowledge or skill will be demonstrated. The gain of the learner with the applied part of the training curriculum and other activities which support the education is developed and consolidated. In the field of fine arts education; symposiums, biennales, exhibitions, art performances and workshops etc. are the activities that support the training curriculum.
